Where people and wildlife live in harmony! Membership | Magaguadavic Lakes Association


Strength in numbers... that is the main reason to join the Magaguadavic Lakes Association (MLA)

The volunteers on the Executive and various committees of the MLA are working hard to ensure that important issues that affect all residences and cottages on both Magaguadavic Lake and Little Magaguadavic Lake are being addressed; issues like maintaining water levels as per the 1978 agreement, ensuring continued excellent water quality, road upkeep and public landing access maintenance and signage.

These are matters that frequently require dealing with large influential companies as well as a variety of government departments.

The larger and more unified our voice is, the better it will be heard.

Then there is the fun stuff the MLA organizes... like organizing the annual July Social at the Y Camp to get to know your neighbors (see Events Calendar for details) and creating a calendar with photos from around the lakes.

Please consider supporting the association.

Each residence or cottage costs just $20 per year to join.
Memberships run from January to December.

Your money goes to cover costs such as fees related to incorporation, legal advice related to the water level agreement as well as normal administrative fees. All expenses are carefully reviewed and must be approved by all members of the executive.

Adding your voice will increase our positive influence over the issues that matter to us.Membership Renewals are due in May

Membership Dues Payment Options ($20 per residence or cottage)

  1. Interac E-Transfer to magaguadaviclakesassociation@outlook.com
    (Preferred method - Quick and saves bank fees)
  2. Mail a cheque payable to: Magaguadavic Lakes Association to
    24 Blue Heron Drive
    Hanwell, NB E3E 2L1
  3. Cash in-person at a general meeting to President John Waite or to Treasurer Sean Seeley (general meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of July - please check Events Calendar for exact date, time and location)

To join the association or renew your membership please complete the form below: